The Night Market



The Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival will include a night market consisting of local food and gift/crafts vendors. We have been working our very hardest to recruit new/upcoming restaurants or businesses that simply want to showcase their fine cooking to some fresh faces in hopes of curating a Truly unique experience for the entire family. Come Join us for a night of the 3 F’s (Family, Food, and Fun). …and get gifts for your friends/family while you’re at it!

*Below is a glimpse of what will be available at our Night Market. Vendor list with and menu items/inventory will be posted soon. Stay tuned!


Our Vendor List

A taste of the festival…

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drink 1.png

Please give a warm thank you to our 2018 vendors listed below!



Each booth will have two chairs and an 8 feet table. If you would like to have more chairs, please indicate that to us. Booth preferences will be given on a first come, first served basis.

Description of Booth (please be detailed and list the food items to be sold or services to be provided): The dishes in which the Vendor will be selling at the Festival will be reviewed and must be approved by the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival Committee. If there is a change in a selling product, the Vendor shall notify the Committee immediately. No other products or services may be displayed, sold, or distributed at the Festival by the Vendor. Vendors leaving out this information or unclear will have their application denied. Application with missing service information and payment information will not be reviewed and accepted. Vendors without complete applications (payment and this form) will be denied from the Festival.